الأحد، 6 يوليو 2014

accounting manager

Analyze operations develop and recommend more efficient and effective methods systems and flow of work.

Supervise and evaluate the performance of assigned personnel assign work and train staff as needed.

Assist the Director in preparing financial documents for presentation to the Governing Board.

Coordinate budget requirements with categorical program administrator prepare budget and maintain financial control over categorical and other special projects for which the District receives separate funding.

Meet with administrative and supervisory personnel on matters related to fiscal control of projects and programs.

Analyze costs and distribute overhead costs to operating programs.

Perform financial reviews of ASB accounts reconcile bank statements and prepare summarized financial report for presentation to the Board.

Direct federal survey of students review completed forms compile data and submit impact aid claims to the federal government.

Prepare and audit financial statistical and analytical reports of a complex natures prepare

Transportation annual program cost report National public education financial survey and other financial reports related to federal State and local grants and entitlements.

Prepare mandated cost claims for the District.

Maintain financial control over State school construction projects and prepare required reports.


Microsoft AX

Dynamic AX

This job is posted in the following Specialties

Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft CRM Microsoft Backoffice District

