Coiled Tubing Senior Operator More Share Facebook Twitter Google Reddit Employer Sofomation Updated Feb 28 2014 Desired Expertise Coil Tubing Coiled and Tubing and senior operator and CT Experience 5 years Minimum Education High SchoolSecondary Location Saudi Arabia Job Status Active Open Job posting bookmarked! Job Description
We are SOFOMATION a human resource staffing agency providing highest standards of quality and professionalism. We pride ourselves on our efficient professional and yet personal services both to our clients and applicants and our ability to supply the right staff complements the recruitment needs of our esteemed clients.
We have a job opening for the position of Coiled Tubing Senior Operator for our client Oil and Gas Company.
One year renewable contract position with client.
Location Saudi Arabia
Experience More than 5 years
Job Purpose
Plan organize and perform all assigned coiled tubing operations ensuring its carried out smoothly by providing to the customer the highest service quality using equipment and material available while always maintaining equipment in a good condition.
Key Responsibility
• Good in speaking and writing in English and has good communication skills
• Experienced in operating Hydra rig equipment and capable of performing CAT I CAT II and electively CAT III Jobs.
• QHSE conscious and takes it as part of the daily work.
• Leadership skills to supervise and maintain the assigned equipment and work with the crew to achieve the assigned job goals.
• The priority will be for the candidates who have ADCO Approval.
If you are interested kindly send us your updated CV in MS Word Format and the details below at the earliest.
Total years of experience
Years of experience in Coiled Tubing in the oil and gas industry
Current employer name
Current salary in USD per month
Expected salary in USD per month
Notice period
Date of birth
Contact no
Current Location
We would share your details with the client. If your CV is shortlisted the client will invite you for interview.
Please provide us with references or share this email with your friendscolleagues who are suitable for this opportunity and might be interested to apply!
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